Is There A Selfless Good Deed?

by | Dec 8, 2020 | Family, Uncategorized | 1 comment

Is There A Selfless Good Deed?

by | Dec 8, 2020 | Family, Uncategorized | 1 comment

Ever feel like you have days where you get nothing accomplished? I’m a stay at home Mom, how can I be too busy to get through my to-do list?

Well, those days happen and they happen a lot. It can be frustrating, but when I look at what my distractions are, I can’t help but shift my mindset to gratitude.

In my Start Where You Are journal, it asked, write down one kind thing you did for someone else in the past 24 hours. Well… lets see, I feel like I’ve done, and do a lot for my kids and husband on the daily. This is why the to-do list can take a few days to get done. However, is this just considered my “job” or could it be called me doing something kind for them? This is where I start to overthink things again, surprise, nope not this time anxiety you are not getting to me. There are no rules here, this journal is for me!

Just to be confident with my feelings on this I’m going to say that helping my husband and kids with daily tasks are things I mostly enjoy and I’m not going to count them.

Recently, while my sister in law was visiting, she was talking about a local photographer who was too busy to fit her into her booking schedule. My SIL was really hoping to get some nice pictures taken of her kids. While in conversation she remembered that I have a pretty nice camera and have taken a few family pictures for people. She asked if I’d mind taking some quick pictures for her.

I agreed I could try, and clearly announced that I do not claim to be a professional, I just love taking pictures! I had to make sure she knew it, so she wouldn’t be disappointed with my photography skills.

So I grabbed my camera and she cleaned the kids up and outside we went to get some work done. It was so fun seeing how well the kids cooperated and we all had a great time – a memory I’ll always enjoy with my nephews.

So although this was an act of kindness for someone else, I have to confess that it also turned into an awesome act of kindness for me too. I loved helping out my lovely SIL and getting to see her boys be such little awesome models with their fun loving grins. It put such a big smile on my face and hers.

It was a great bonus that the pictures turned out fantastic and she was pleased with them!

As the television show “Friends” taught us all… there are no Selfless Good Deeds haha. If you haven’t watched that episode google it- you’ll laugh I promise.

My usual models are my kids and family members. I love how photographs can be a time capsule to look back on and see how much we’ve changed and grown.

This act of kindness also reminded me how much I really enjoy taking pictures. While on this journey to rediscovering who I am, this might just be a good place to sign up for a class to help me further develop this passion! I won’t worry about the fact it will also add to my to-do list haha.

What do you think, are there any selfless good deeds?

Deanne Olsen

Deanne Olsen


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