Does A Self Sufficient Lifestyle = More Happiness?

by | Mar 16, 2021 | Farm Life, Lifestyle, Uncategorized | 2 comments

Does A Self Sufficient Lifestyle = More Happiness?

by | Mar 16, 2021 | Farm Life, Lifestyle, Uncategorized | 2 comments

Is simplifying your home a great way to ease some of your anxiety? Can living a self sufficient lifestyle bring more happiness? In the researching I’ve been doing, it’s suggested that less clutter and more self reliance can help to ease your feelings of overwhelm and stress, and create more feelings of joy and gratitude.

This led me to thinking – what are my most prized possessions? What are the top possessions I couldn’t, wouldn’t want to live without? I’ll be honest, my list is short and thinking of 5 things actually was a bit of a challenge, it came down to what makes my life easier:

  1. House
  2. Indoor plumbing
  3. Refrigerator
  4. Bed
  5. Vehicle

When I sat down to make this list it really made me reflect on what I do find most valuable, my phone and laptop did come to mind, my washing machine did too, but maybe I cheated by saying indoor plumbing because I’m thinking that means running water therefor maybe a washing machine, dishwasher, bathtub and toilet could all be included in that lol. 

  1. A house – for shelter and security is a must!
  2. Indoor plumbing – well any time we’ve been without power it’s quickly noticed that we can’t live without running water.
  3. Refrigerator – To lose this would mean planning our meals much differently and food storage would be much more of an issue. 
  4. Bed – without proper rest I don’t think I could operate at optimal standards. This momma needs her rest!
  5. Vehicle – well if I’m giving up my phone I need to be able to see my extended family somehow. I also need it to run for parts, groceries, kids events etc. 

While making this list I’ve realized how we lead a somewhat self sufficient lifestyle.  I make my own bread and do lots of baking,  we have chickens to get our eggs and we buy a half of beef from local beef producers to keep our freezer stocked.  

I plant a big healthy garden every spring with enough canning and freezing to maintain us through the winter months too.  

As grain farmers we grow wheat every year – currently I buy my flour for baking, this has me thinking that maybe I should invest in a mill and make my own flour, but that’s something to ponder for a while. 

Lately I’ve been feeling like the idea of becoming more self sufficient is a lifestyle I’d love to embrace and work towards. Maybe it’s living in a pandemic and lack of supplies at the stores that’s shifted my mindset or maybe it’s the old soul in me coming out but I think living and teaching my kids where and how the food gets on our table is a life lesson we need to teach. I don’t want them to think it just comes from the supermarket! 

I read one quote that said “to become self sufficient means to embrace being frugal.”  I believe becoming self sufficient will help keep our grocery costs down, but more importantly it will help our environment and teach our kids a good work ethic, how to reduce waste and become self reliant! So many valuable lessons! 

I’ve got a lot to learn about living a more simplified and self sufficient lifestyle but I’m excited about doing the work it takes to get there. 

First step for simplifying will be to go through the kids clothing and toys – this is what causes me the most anxiety with it comes to clutter – there’s just so much stuff! 

First step for becoming more self sufficient is getting my seeds planted and wait for the last frost to happen. Am I a green thumb not really, but I’m getting better every year, thankfully. 

Do you lead a self sufficient lifestyle, plant a garden or have your own animals? Has the pandemic changed the way you look at your current lifestyle?

Confess to me what are YOUR top 5 possessions?

Deanne Olsen

Deanne Olsen


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