What is your “New Normal”?

by | Dec 1, 2021 | Family, Lifestyle, Uncategorized | 3 comments

What is your “New Normal”?

by | Dec 1, 2021 | Family, Lifestyle, Uncategorized | 3 comments

What’s your opinion on what’s happening in our world today?

Do you think our world will ever go back to normal? What is normal? Did the term “new normal” really mean those exact words, new and never to return to the old?

I’m not writing to ask you about your thoughts on Covid-19, and whether it’s real or whether you should be vaccinated against it. Those are personal choices and I don’t have the answer and neither do you! I might also add, it’ none of my business!!

What I am looking at is perhaps a bigger picture, one where I wonder what world my children are going to grow up in.

We’ve already seen what happens in the stores when an announcement is made that puts peoples possible health at risk – mass hysteria! Toilet paper and water sold out, produce and baking goods sold out and disinfecting wipes sold out with no idea of restock time. So many people went crazy with over buying.

We’ve also seen how quickly friends and family with differing views turned on each other. Homes have been destroyed, friendships have forever been ruined. To this day, I am absolutely shocked and appalled at how much finger pointing, judgment, violence and anger has come from the fact that someone might have a different opinion than someone else. 

If it wasn’t enough to have people turning on each other, our government then decides that it will further create this divide by creating a digital member of society pass – yes I’m calling it that because that’s what I believe it is. It’s not a health pass it’s a pass to allow you to actively take part in society. Anyone without this pass can be pushed aside like garbage and it’s their own fault because they fear injecting their body with a vaccine. The reasons for not wanting to take the jab are varying and I believe it’s to each their own. Without this pass you must now pay out of your own pocket to have proof of a negative PCR  to be involved in society – fine, however we also know that those with the pass could be walking around with covid – because they didn’t have to get a negative test. Remember the vaccine doesn’t stop you from getting the virus nor does it stop you from spreading it. I know it reduces it symptoms, but it DOES NOT STOP IT! 

So why the divide? Is the goal to stop the spread or is the goal to get everyone vaccinated and have a society pass?

Going back to what kind of world are my children and even grand children going to grow up in, I am concerned. I’m concerned enough that I want to learn how to live without the need of dependency on material things and all store bought goods.

This is an important time to teach our kids how to grow their own food, how to shop local and support local farmers. We thought we made things so much better with the progression of technology, but maybe we’ve made it worse. Maybe we need to go back a few generations and learn survival skills. Gardening, sewing, knitting, baking, livestock care, wood storage and wood burning fireplaces.

The way things are going many won’t be able to afford to heat their homes, or buy fuel for their cars, feed their families etc.

These survival skills could be what makes a difference for someone who is really struggling to make ends meet.

Let’s imaging for a minute that there is no more internet, and shortages in your local stores. You can’t just buy what you want online. How are you going to eat, buy clothing, or contact your closest local butcher? Do you know anyone’s phone number by heart anymore? We don’t get a phone book because we can look it up online.

Here is what I’m taking away from all of this… I want to set my kids up for success. I want them to know how to raise animals for feed, yes that will be sad for them but it’s also essential to have meat in the freezer. I want them to know how to tend a garden and in our case crops too. I want them to know how to store and preserve the food they’ve grown.  I want them to know how to mend their clothing and how to build a fire. I want my kids to know how to live independent from what social media and our society deems necessary for survival. I want them to know how to work hard and feel a sense of true accomplishment with pride. 

I want my kids to know true human connections, meeting friends for play, learning how to have a different opinion from those friends and agreeing to disagree and continue to play, writing letters, and learning how to navigate in a digital world that they will undoubtably have to accept.

I’m going to confess our new normal might not be what everyone else is considering the “new normal” mask wearing and digital ID showing, finger pointing lifestyle others seem to be following. Our new normal isn’t new at all, it’s tested, tried and true and we will embrace it, learn it and we will survive!

 Will you be accepting the “new normal” or will you be striving for something different?

Deanne Olsen

Deanne Olsen


Welcome to my blog covering topics of family, self-care, and farm life.


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