How to find more time for FUN in the SUN!

by | Jul 6, 2020 | Family, Farm Life | 0 comments

How to find more time for FUN in the SUN!

by | Jul 6, 2020 | Family, Farm Life | 0 comments

How to find time for more fun? The question everyone wants an answer to.

Do you ever feel like your summer is just too short? As if there aren’t enough days to get in all the fun, especially if you live somewhere in Canada where we only get approximately 2-3 months of nice warm weather?

I am sure most people feel like summer is just too short – I especially noticed this when I started dating my farmer. As soon as the soil is warm enough the crops need to go in. This is the time when non-farmers ask us “what are you doing for May Long weekend? Want to go camping?” We don’t realize it’s a long weekend, we are getting the crops in if the weather is good. Once seeding is done the time comes for tuning up other equipment and getting other jobs done to make sure everything is ideal and good to go come harvest time (before the snow falls).

Of course – aside from being farmers, we have all the other day to day house chores, garden work, lawn care, etc. to take care of as well. Summer is just too short!

Today’s “Start Where You Are” journal page asked, what are three thoughts that made you smile today?

  1. Sunshine!
  2. Writing another blog post
  3. Getting organized to go Camping

That list wasn’t too hard to come up with, these days I like to take full advantage of any sunny days as they seem to be windy or rainy more often than not.

Writing always helps me feel like I can see what successes I want to set myself up for, for the day or week ahead!

Finally – going camping! This is one of my most favourite family outings we do. I love the quality time we spend hanging out with no distractions. The days leading up to leaving, however… can be a bit stressful and busy, to say the least.

We all feel it, it’s the rush of making sure all the laundry is done, any baking you need to have while camping is done, cut the grass so it doesn’t need to be baled when we get home, make sure all the animals have enough food and water and the list goes on…

I need a system – an organizing system to help me fully enjoy our short summer, and not dread the leading up to days of camping, and not just camping but the birthday parties and special events that all happen in the summer!

Today of all days I came across this post from Simple Lionheart Life. This is the post I needed to see today to help me figure out a new way of enjoying more time! She lists 11 tips to learn how to be more productive at home. Perfect!!

I’ll be trying these decluttering tips and trying out a time blocking system to see if I can get myself to a place of feeling more prepared and less stressed/busy.

If you get that overwhelming feeling too, I encourage you to check out Simple Lionheart Life. She has some excellent ideas and motivational tips.

What do you do to help stay organized and enjoy more time off? Do you have a system that you can share? I’d love to hear about it, comment below or send me an email!!

Deanne Olsen

Deanne Olsen


Welcome to my blog covering topics of family, self-care, and farm life.


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